
ph Rebecca Lena
““How could he be such a beast if music gripped him so much?”
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis
The animal is still.
The animal is a house.
The animal is a war memorial.
Has the animal fallen?
No. The animal was under the table when everything fell.
Does the animal travel?
No. There is too much debris. He could get hurt. More than this?
More than that you die.
The animal hears ghosts.
The animal chose them.
If you want to meet the animal, you have to ask permission.
Chiara Bersani
The soul is like an aviary full of birds.
It is a place where movement, colours, the movement of air and intentions become flesh of what has been, of what grows, mutates, fades away, and transforms into a ghost.
Chiara Bersani approaches the death of the swan with her work entitled l’Animale:
what happens when looking at the deep night we manage to recognize ourselves through singing?
Giulia Traversi
“But the animal I carry inside me
It never makes me live happy
He takes all the coffee too
It makes me a slave to my passions
And he never gives up and doesn’t know how to wait”
Franco Battiato
Scena e luce Valeria Foti con la collaborazionExit Visual Buildere di Richard Gargiulo e Sergio Seghettini
Drammaturgia vocale Francesca Della Monica
Accompagnamento alla drammaturgia Giulia Traversi
Accompagnamento alla creazione Marco D’Agostin / Elena Giannotti
Promozione e cura Giulia Traversi
Supporto al processo creativo Federica Della Pozza
Logistica e organizzazione Eleonora Cavallo
Amministrazione Chiara Fava
Produzione corpoceleste c.c.0.0 #
Co-produzione Swans never die un progetto di Lavanderia a Vapore – Centro di Residenza per la Danza (Piemonte dal Vivo – Circuito Multidisciplinare dello Spettacolo, Coorpi, Didee Arti e
Comunicazioni, Mosaico Danza, Zerogrammi); Operaestate Festival Veneto e Centro per la Scena Contemporanea CSC Bassano del Grappa; Triennale Milano Teatro; Fondazione Teatro Grande di Brescia; Festival Bolzano Danza – Fondazione Haydn; Gender Bender Festival; “Memory in Motion. Re-Membering Dance History (Mnemedance)” – Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia; DAMS – Università
degli Studi di Torino, Azienda Speciale Palaexpo – Mattatoio | Progetto Prender-si Cura con il supporto di Centrale Fies (Dro, ITA) Fabbrica Europa (Firenze, IT)